Senin, 07 Februari 2011

Dance of Majapahit "Bedhaya Surya" Dance (English Text)

Bedhaya Surya is my current dance work as choreographer. The idea was from the symbol of Majapahit Kingdom, called “Surya Majapahit” (Sun of Majapahit). Surya Majapahit was the symbol that often found between the collapses of Majapahit kingdom. The symbol formed a sun with its eight angles and a circle in the middle of the sun and each place had Hinduism Gods. The symbol formed cosmology diagram which lightened specific dangles of “Surya Majapahit”. Because of the symbol was so popular in Majapahit period, the archaeologies supposed that the form was functioned as the symbol of Majapahit kingdom. 

To reach the victorious, Majapahit had gotten some conflicts and fights. There were many rebellions done by man inside the kingdom or attacks to other kingdoms.     The attacks were often done to create the declaration of Gajah Mada to unite of Nusantara.  
The movements of Bedhaya Surya were developed from Malangesse Mask dance, especially the mask dance “Galuh Candra Kirana” style from Jambuwer Village-Kromengan-Malang regency, the mask dance style was not exposed more yet and it was possible to make some explorations to raise the artistic value but the movement should still have traditional character of Bedhaya dance.
This dance also has the act of submission and hope safety to The Creator of Life. And also had the expression to honour the respectful person.   
There was also “Mudra”, code movements of Hinduism to express the gratitude and hope the safety to God. 

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